Our Values!
Organisations are like families; each has its own set of values to live by. At Ethical Travel Portal, our values are the touchstone in everything we do, and they determine our path forward as a responsible entity in the community. Our values are also the bedrock of the company, reminding us why ETP exists. They inspire our commitment to make the world a better place in which to live for host communities, while at the same time enabling travellers to visit in good conscience, knowing they make positive contributions, not a negative impact.
Affirming that it takes many hands to make it happen
Everything we do involves a multitude of people, each playing their part to achieve results together. As an organisation, we respect every individual we connect with — the entire ETP team, the broader stakeholder base of suppliers, collaborators, and travellers, wider human society and ultimately all living creatures on this planet we share.
Championing trustworthiness — honesty is the only policy
As a business, we deeply value honesty, transparency and integrity. These core sustainable traits propel our business forward, keeping us honest and making us an open book to the outside world. Only by being stringently transparent can we be truly accountable for our actions.
Acknowledging that our actions have consequences
We welcome the sense of responsibility and mindfulness that is required when one is part of a society and working with multiple stakeholders. ETP was built on responsible tourism policies; it’s in our blood, our DNA. Through responsibility, we’re using tourism to create better places.
Remembering that there’s no substitute for excellence
Striving for quality is a process that never ends; however good our achievements, they can always be improved upon. As important as all our values are, we still need to perform to our utmost and deliver to the best of our ability. We will never compromise on our high standards.
Knowing change is the only constant and embracing it
We value change-making and believe it is our responsibility to catalyse a positive evolution in what it means to travel. Through Resonate, we shift travellers’ perspectives; via STOMP, we equip them, and the destinations they visit, with tools to transform the world of travel.
Surviving because of support, thriving when we give back
We do this by being a responsible business, and also by channelling part of our profits to meaningful initiatives around the world. We use tourism as a tool for positive development in places where we send our travellers, and carefully select local sustainable and ethical partners.
Taking the time to learn about ourselves and others
Life is about understanding, and the consideration needed to achieve it. Only by getting to know our partners, how they work, their culture and surroundings, can we send them the travellers who seek the kind of experience they provide. Understanding is bridge-building; essential to human connection and communication, it’s the key to peacemaking in the world.