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Pulse on NEPAL | Covid-19 Safe Mountains
October is normally the kick start of the trekking season in Nepal. But this year the Nepali Mountains have been quiet from trekkers for the past eight months. Even though the government is opening up for visitors, this season will be different. The trekkers that will find their way up to these beautiful mountains, will be few. And, how prepared are the villages and guesthouses for a covid-19 safe (as...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“There were 1,5 billion international tourist arrivals recorded in 2019, a 4% increase on the previous year.” This is how an article issued on UNWTO web page in January 2020 states. It continues, that the same growth is predicted for 2020, confirming tourism as a leading and resilient economic sector, especially in view of current uncertainties. About a month later, the world started raising alarms, cancelling the largest travel and...
Sustainable Pricing | What’s in the Price?
Wondering why there are so few prices on our website? It is because our trips are tailor made especially for you. It has taken a long time to develop the network of dedicated partners and excellent local experiences in our destinations. Hence, we believe in sustainable pricing. What you will get is not an ordinary holiday, but a lasting memory. You will be part of our journey. The price will also...
Protection of Children in Tourism
As a company, we are very conscious of the various forms that exploitation can happen with children in the world of tourism. This can range from underage work all the way to sexual exploitation, and the company works actively with teams, and with our suppliers to work on best practices to ensure proper protection of Children in Tourism. We are very conscious in the design of our trips to not include...
Data Privacy Policy
As we deal with multiple clients and a lot of data changes hands, from the moment an enquiry is made to the point where a sale is followed through, we need a privacy policy that will protect the data of our clients. We reassure you that we are very strict and meticulous about this. We consider it to be one of the ways to address our first value 'respect for...
Wildlife Friendly Tourism Pledge
As a company committed to Responsible Tourism, we strongly believe that tourism can be a force for good, and can help wildlife efforts. Yet, the right practice has to be adopted so the understanding of the human-animal conflict and our relations with animals that are fostered by tourism is balanced with best practices that do not exploit or endanger animals for the pleasure of humans. We have committed ourselves to the...