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The GreenBox

Giving back

How we give back Through ETP´s Foundation GreenBox, we give back to the destinations we work in, with a percentage of profits going into GreenBox and our charity support and development work. This activity is based in countries we know well, and facilitated via organisations with whom we have close relationships. We also provide aid on an emergency basis in crises like the Nepal earthquake. ETP was established with this in mind;...

Naturen på Vestlandet

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan | 2020 has indeed been a different year for everyone involved in the tourism industry. For Ethical Travel Portal, it has given us a chance to look forward and follow up on our Tourism Declares Declaration we joined through Tourism Declares Climate emergency initiative. We have spent time to create our action plan on how to reduce our carbon emission and create better and more environmentally friendly journeys. We...

How to Identify If You’re Staying in an Eco-Lodge

As the climate crisis hits, more people are striving to travel consciously and reduce their environmental footprint. Likewise, more businesses are wanting to reduce their impact on the environment. Arguably this is somewhat exciting; however, some companies within the tourism sector try to play on this promoting their businesses as 'eco-friendly'. When travelling, you may see the case of many forms of accommodation claiming to be environmentally conscious and use...

Sunset in Nepal

5 Reasons Ethical Travel is More Important Than Ever

All of a sudden, travel has vastly changed overnight. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to look at our planet from another perspective. Given this drastic change, 2020 may not be the optimum year for travel like years we have experienced prior. However once the borders open up again and restrictions are lifted, travel will resume. While this may be frustrating, what we can do now is utilise our time...

Climate Emergency Declaration

The world of tourism is considered one of the high contributors to emissions affecting climate change. This also means of course that changes brought about in Tourism Practice will also influence positive change the most. We are committed to making that change and will collaborate actively to make this measurable, and positive. At Ethical Travel Portal, we work with several hand-picked partners around the world, renown for their best practices in...