
Ethical Travel Inspiration

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My first meeting with a bear

I love adventures in real life. Experiences beyond the expected. Those experiences that come along the way. I was very happy about the program, before the departure of the “GirlsWeekend” to Brasov hosted by Ethical Travel Portal. The tempting and authentic hiking from village to village, a professional painting workshop, free time in charming Brasov and at last a visit to Bran Castle better known as Dracula’s Castle. But, at the...

Amazing autumn experiences in Karasjok, Northern Norway

Located in Norway’s largest National Park, Finnmarksvidda, you will find Karasjok. A fascinating Northern village that invites you to get to know more about how people live in this part of Norway, off the beaten track. Recently, I spent a couple of beautiful autumn days among gorgeous huskies, charming people and beautiful nature in Karasjok.   Karasjok, being the headquarter of the Sami people it is quite mandatory to get to know...

The Carpathians in Ukraine- where traditions are still alive

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Miriam Jøms reports: I’m from Norway and used to the mountains, that’s one of the things my country is well off with. Still, I was excited to visit “the mountains” in Ukraine, namely the Carpathians. The journey from Lviv by train was less than four hours and I immediately fell asleep with my back towards the two young girls who were travelling in the same compartment.  I thought they maybe...

Lviv- a place you want to stay longer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lviv made me start dreaming. About the past, present and the future. After some days in Kiev was I delighted to finally find a smaller city, where you actually are able to get around on your own feet. The best way to get to Lviv from Kiev is by train, either an overnight journey, as I did, or do express during the daytime. It takes around six hours. I was...

A Small Taste of Ukraine

I am embarrassed to say that I hardly knew anything about Europe's second-biggest country Ukraine before I went there at the end of September. Ethical Travel Portal’s goal is to create a journey for our travellers that are somewhat different and this one was certainly an experience!   I started to work for Ethical Travel Portal this summer and was excited to get the opportunity to experience Ukraine. Part of this trip was...

How to be a responsible tourist?

Travel is about discovering new places and meeting new people. We urge our travelers to be responsible tourists and act accordingly. When visiting a destination, a traveler should be concerned about the protection and preservation of places, cultures and environments. We believe every visit can, and should be, of mutual benefit for host and guest.   Before you travel Read as much as possible about the country you are going to visit. Ask...