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Meet Local Expert | Stig Frislid Torset, Norway
Stig is a self-employed certified local guide in Oslo who partners with Ethical Travel Portal for local walks in Norway's capital. His local knowledge is superb as he constantly contributes to creating better experiences for the travellers, in a mindful way. As a result of doing this, he gets outstanding feedback from travellers. His knowledge about history, culture and tradition is huge. His walks are also based on him providing a...
Meet Local Expert | Bojana Sekulic, Montenegro
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Guided hiking tours are my way to support my local community making sure that the tourists from all over the world have a unique experience. After gaining my degree in economics at the University of Montenegro in Podgorica, I did various office jobs. One of the jobs I did was in a tourist agency, where we worked on various EU projects, developing new national and regional products for the market. That...
Meet a Local Expert | Michael Borio, Bavaria, Germany
For Michael Borio, being a tour guide is not only living a passion through the work he does, but it is also much more. It is a personal commitment and his life mission to contribute to the sustainable development of the region, creating a deeper understanding of history and culture of Bavaria by engaging visitors on all levels. First is his rich knowledge of history, geography, culture, art, economy and contemporary...
Vale la pena di divertirsi con croupier reali nei casinò della Repubblica Italiana?
I giochi d'azzardo con croupier dal vivo sono sale allestite con tavoli finti. L'intrattenimento è regolato da agenti di risorse - persone in carne e ossa, croupier provenienti dai tradizionali club terrestri. Il tutto avviene per mezzo di telecamere. In particolare, riprendono la rotazione della roulette, la distribuzione delle carte, il lancio dei dadi. Il vantaggio di questo layout risiede nella prospettiva di osservare da una prospettiva umana le loro...
Meet a Local Expert | Barbara Zeintlinger, Austria
My story of becoming a guide starts when I went to Greece, where I worked as a tour manager, but I fell in love with the country, the culture and the people. I loved to travel, and I wanted to do it as a job, professionally. Becoming a guide was the way to do it. In addition, I was extra motivated as this truly changed my life, in more than...
Meet a Local Expert | Suju Mollel, Tanzania
Suju is a native from Arusha and a descendant of the Maasai tribe in Tanzania. He finished the Tropical Institute for tourism in Arusha, Tanzania and has been slowly making his way up to a real licensed tour guide. Today he is well respected among his peers, as he worked his way up from being a porter on Kilimanjaro, then he was allowed to pass the license to become an...