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Meet a Local Expert | Barbara Zeintlinger, Austria

My story of becoming a guide starts when I went to Greece, where I worked as a tour manager, but I fell in love with the country, the culture and the people. I loved to travel, and I wanted to do it as a job, professionally. Becoming a guide was the way to do it. In addition, I was extra motivated as this truly changed my life, in more than...

Meet a Local Expert | Suju Mollel, Tanzania

Suju is a native from Arusha and a descendant of the Maasai tribe in Tanzania. He finished the Tropical Institute for tourism in Arusha, Tanzania and has been slowly making his way up to a real licensed tour guide.  Today he is well respected among his peers, as he worked his way up from being a porter on Kilimanjaro, then he was allowed to pass the license to become an...