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Resonate.travel – our newly launched storytelling platform
We have launched resonate.travel - a storytelling platform for local voices, authentic travel inspiration. For far too long, travel experiences and storytelling have been shaped by visitors, for visitors. This consumer-centric model reinforces stereotypes, exploits people’s heritage and culture, and fails to give agency to communities — all while providing minimal benefit to the places people travel. At Resonate, our mission is to nurture local pride as the most sustainable asset in any...
The Gambia | With Passion for Natural & Cultural Heritage
Podcast Episode 06 | With Passion for Natural & Cultural Heritage Lamin Bojang is the Founder behind Gunjur Village Museum. A museum that focused on the natural & cultural heritage. since I met him the first time, about nine years back, I understood early on how much he wanted the museum to become a reality. Lamin wants to make sure that the younger generation can learn about their history in the years to come....
Podcast | Heritage Homestay in Rural Takdah with Norbu, India
Podcast Episode 05 | Heritage Homestay in Rural Takdah with Norbu G. Lama When I was in Darjeeling in October 2018, my friend and responsible tourism college Raj Basu from Help Tourism recommended me to visit Norbu G. Lama and his Heritage Homestay in rural Takdah, West Bengal Northeast India. It was in the search of finding experiences for Ethical Travel Portal with the combination of being located off beaten track, that gives...
5 Rural Travel Experiences to do in Takdah, Darjeeling India
Only one hour drive from Darjeeling town in North East India, you will reach Takdah Contonment. A hamlet located in between beautiful mountains and pine forests, tea gardens and blooming orchids. It is still a hidden treasure, off the beaten path that not many travelers know about. Here you can immerse yourself in these 5 rural travel experiences you soon will be introduced to. Takdah has a strong heritage. And some would...
Podcast | The Simple Life through Yoga & Photos with Sabrina, India
Podcast Episode 04 | The Simple Life through Yoga & Photos with Sabrina, India In October 2018 I travelled to Darjeeling in Northeast India. My goal was to take 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training in the Himalayas. A long time mission, and I had finally allowed four weeks to dive into it! After some research, I found the perfect place for me, Himalayan Yoga Bliss in historical Darjeeling. A small town in...
Ethical Overlanding | 7 Top Tips
How Can You Go Overlanding and Support the Environment at the Same Time? Ethical overlanding is so popular for the fact that it takes you to new places. Also, instead of being focused on the destination, you learn to love and experience the journey as well. In order to handle the long adventure and the unknown roads, you need to use large vehicles. They work with either diesel or gas engines....