
Ethical Travel Inspiration

Stories, diaries, top picks from different parts of the world, aimed to inspiring you, curated by our team of experts!
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Pu Luong villages on the countryside

Pulse on VIETNAM | Covid -19 Preparedness for Off Beat Experiences

We are taking the Pulse on Vietnam and their Covid-19 preparedness for Off Beat Experiences! Vietnam has not had any local transmission, as we write this, in over two months. This is impressive. The government is yet super careful and is not looking to open up the country for tourism anytime soon. The current estimate is that Vietnam will open up for tourism around mid 2021, and looking at current...

Naturen på Vestlandet

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan | 2020 has indeed been a different year for everyone involved in the tourism industry. For Ethical Travel Portal, it has given us a chance to look forward and follow up on our Tourism Declares Declaration we joined through Tourism Declares Climate emergency initiative. We have spent time to create our action plan on how to reduce our carbon emission and create better and more environmentally friendly journeys. We...

Pulse on THAILAND | Homestay Experience at the Andaman Coast

Thailand homestay Experience Andaman Coast | Three hours north, from the more famous Phuket in Thailand, you will find a small village called Ban Talae Nok. Here you can experience how it is to be local through a Thailand homestay experience. We have checked in, to hear how things are going in the village along the Andaman Coast. How has Covid-19 affected their livelihood and way of living?We are on a...

Pulse on NEPAL | Covid-19 Safe Mountains

October is normally the kick start of the trekking season in Nepal. But this year the Nepali Mountains have been quiet from trekkers for the past eight months. Even though the government is opening up for visitors, this season will be different. The trekkers that will find their way up to these beautiful mountains, will be few. And, how prepared are the villages and guesthouses for a covid-19 safe (as...

Green Microphone Award


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“There were 1,5 billion international tourist arrivals recorded in 2019, a 4% increase on the previous year.” This is how an article issued on UNWTO web page in January 2020 states. It continues, that the same growth is predicted for 2020, confirming tourism as a leading and resilient economic sector, especially in view of current uncertainties. About a month later, the world started raising alarms, cancelling the largest travel and...

sustainable price

Sustainable Pricing | What’s in the Price?

Wondering why there are so few prices on our website? It is because our trips are tailor made especially for you. It has taken a long time to develop the network of dedicated partners and excellent local experiences in our destinations. Hence, we believe in sustainable pricing. What you will get is not an ordinary holiday, but a lasting memory. You will be part of our journey. The price will also...