Giving back
How we give back Through ETP´s Foundation GreenBox, we give back to the destinations we work in, with a percentage of profits going into GreenBox and our charity support and development work. This activity is based in countries we know well, and facilitated via organisations with whom we have close relationships. We also provide aid on an emergency basis in crises like the Nepal earthquake. ETP was established with this in mind;...
Climate Action Plan
Climate Action Plan | 2020 has indeed been a different year for everyone involved in the tourism industry. For Ethical Travel Portal, it has given us a chance to look forward and follow up on our Tourism Declares Declaration we joined through Tourism Declares Climate emergency initiative. We have spent time to create our action plan on how to reduce our carbon emission and create better and more environmentally friendly journeys. We...
Sustainable Pricing | What’s in the Price?
Wondering why there are so few prices on our website? It is because our trips are tailor made especially for you. It has taken a long time to develop the network of dedicated partners and excellent local experiences in our destinations. Hence, we believe in sustainable pricing. What you will get is not an ordinary holiday, but a lasting memory. You will be part of our journey. The price will also...
Protection of Children in Tourism
As a company, we are very conscious of the various forms that exploitation can happen with children in the world of tourism. This can range from underage work all the way to sexual exploitation, and the company works actively with teams, and with our suppliers to work on best practices to ensure proper protection of Children in Tourism. We are very conscious in the design of our trips to not include...
Data Privacy Policy
As we deal with multiple clients and a lot of data changes hands, from the moment an enquiry is made to the point where a sale is followed through, we need a privacy policy that will protect the data of our clients. We reassure you that we are very strict and meticulous about this. We consider it to be one of the ways to address our first value 'respect for...
Wildlife Friendly Tourism Pledge
As a company committed to Responsible Tourism, we strongly believe that tourism can be a force for good, and can help wildlife efforts. Yet, the right practice has to be adopted so the understanding of the human-animal conflict and our relations with animals that are fostered by tourism is balanced with best practices that do not exploit or endanger animals for the pleasure of humans. We have committed ourselves to the...
Responsible Tourism Policy
Responsible tourism is about creating better places for people to live in and to visit. We use the guidelines for responsible tourism that were chartered in Cape Town in 2002 as our guiding tool to create our responsible tourism policy. The 7 core headlines from the charter that we have adopted and internalised are Minimising negative economic, environmental, and social impacts; Generating greater economic benefits for local people and enhancing the...
Our Commitment to Responsible Tourism
Responsible Tourism is the backbone of our company and the principles have been guiding us from the first day of our establishment. We work solely with partners who thoroughly practice responsible tourism. The journeys you see on our website, have been vetted by one of our team members where we use our own knowledge and experience to decide whether or not the local partner is a good fit for us,...
How to Identify If You’re Staying in an Eco-Lodge
As the climate crisis hits, more people are striving to travel consciously and reduce their environmental footprint. Likewise, more businesses are wanting to reduce their impact on the environment. Arguably this is somewhat exciting; however, some companies within the tourism sector try to play on this promoting their businesses as 'eco-friendly'. When travelling, you may see the case of many forms of accommodation claiming to be environmentally conscious and use...
How to Control Greed
Greed seems to the essentially very human and is probably the main reason that progress happens. In business, it’s even more important, as it drives sales and targets, and all that’s related to it - trainings, bonuses, discounts and marketing. So it’s important. However, if we succumb to greed, it will get us only thinking of everything that feeds it, unfortunately not allowing for time and effort towards becoming creative, and...