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Bring Romania to your kitchen and Make Chilli Jam

In the mountains of Romania, a tranquil yet straightforward life is lead by its inhabitants. Andrada Nica and her family began a new life in the mountains rebuilding their grandparent's 150-year-old house. They built it purely from nature without any sourced from stone from the valley, soil from their garden wood from the forest, water from the fountain and no specialized craftsmen, only from an older man eager to give...

Folk Music with Ioan Pop from Maramures in Romania

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]December 05, 2013 Whilst we were in Maramures the North-Western part of Romania we met the incredible Ioan Pop. Ioan is a resident to an area with many villages home to century-old traditions. Maramures has a fascinating rural culture preserving the crafts and skills from their Dacian ancestors. After meeting Ioan we discovered that his name is associated with the captivating authentic Romanian folklore. Later we stayed at the guesthouse belonging to...

My first meeting with a bear

I love adventures in real life. Experiences beyond the expected. Those experiences that come along the way. I was very happy about the program, before the departure of the “GirlsWeekend” to Brasov hosted by Ethical Travel Portal. The tempting and authentic hiking from village to village, a professional painting workshop, free time in charming Brasov and at last a visit to Bran Castle better known as Dracula’s Castle. But, at the...

Romania A travel back in time!

It´s been a while since I experienced Romania. The feeling of traveling back in time. It might sound like a cliché, but a short getaway to a destination full of – to me – unfamiliar traditional livelihoods, is just what I dreamt of. I found it in a region of Apuseni mountains in Romania. Jeanett Andrea Søderstrøm Jeanett travelled in September 2016 with Ethical Travel Portal to the Apuseni mountains in Romania to...

Going local in rural Romania

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“I just got the best idea: You have to go and see my father! This juice is made with his organic vegetables and he makes chutneys from the bottom as well as other typical dishes from Western Romania.” Andrada stands in front of us and waves eagerly with her arms. It’s got dark since we came to her guesthouse Casa Țara Beiușului, but the lamp in the sealing casts a light...

Romania Top Tips

Romania flaunts some stunning scenery, preserves a rich history, tasty food and interesting nomadic culture. Here are some top tips to guide you around Romania:   The best way to explore the "Romanian soul" is to stay, eat and walk-in rural areas from mountain villages.   Using a local guide in Romania has some major benefits. The most important one is that a local guide connects you with the people. Romanians are...

Fast Facts Romania

Romania is a mystic country located in Southeastern Europe. The country flaunts some stunning scenery, preserves a rich history, tasty food and interesting culture. Want to know more? Here are some fast facts about the magnificent country that is Romania:   Romania is the biggest country located in Southeastern Europe. The area of the country is 92,043 square miles or (238,391 square kilometres). In comparison to scales, it’s the same size...